Thursday, January 13, 2011


Our first snow-day was a success, but only by a narrow margin.  The biggest problem was the kamp koop motor-pool as it took the majority of the kounselors the majority of the day to de-ice the vehicles needed to move supplies.  Igloo building also went terribly wrong at 1:33PM EST when Roger's feelings were hurt by Gina on the parade ground in the spot known as Giza (for a small scale recreation of the Egyptian pyramids completed in the summer of '99).  The day was saved by an epic "sports-off" between Messrs. Rick and Bob.  The kids were awestruck by both the sheer athleticism and the unmitigated sportsmanship.  Burgers by the new chef-in-residence, a tech-savvy Brit, were well received by all following the friendly competition.

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